News Post


Hello, this is Director Robin.

Winter is coming to an end, and the warm spring is slowly approaching.

With significant daily temperature fluctuations, I hope all Guardians take good care of their health.

Let's begin our sixth letter!


Special Costume

In the next update, a new special costume, 'Bunny Girl Android Vinette,' will be released.

This costume has been specially designed with extra charm, so let's briefly hear from our Art Director about the creation process.

[Art Director]

First of all, for this special costume, we envisioned the clumsy Vinette causing trouble, with the Bunny Girl Android stepping in to tidy things up.

The design features Vinette falling over, with only one shoe, stocking, and garter belt on, all to emphasize her clumsy personality. Yet, we adorned her with roses and wrist cuffs to showcase her adorable charm. Her horns changing into rabbit ears also followed this concept. Vinette, reborn through the love of our art team! We hope you'll give her lots of love and attention.

Including this special costume, the art team will continue to listen carefully to Guardians' feedback as we thoughtfully consider which hero will receive a fresh new look next.


Guild Raid

1) Improvements to Minister Duncan & Empire Knight

We are preparing improvements for Minister Duncan and Empire Knight.

Minister Duncan's fan-shaped pattern (mines in all directions) will have reduced knockback and slower casting speed.

Empire Knight will have adjustments such as reduced knockback for the fan-shaped slash, circular hammer slam, and charge followed by a fan-shaped slash, with party members no longer needing to dodge. Additionally, the Arena pattern (bombardment falling) will have a shorter duration, with party members no longer needing to dodge.


2) New Guild Raid Bosses

We are preparing Balock and Arachne as new Guild Raid bosses.

Currently, we are checking plans and resources to present suitable patterns and balanced gameplay.


3) Guild Raid Auto-Battle

Considering requests from Guardians who wish for a more convenient Guild Raid experience, we're reviewing an auto-battle feature. Since auto-battle may be less efficient compared to manual play, we're carefully considering feedback before making a decision.


World Difficulty

Following Season 1, we're working on difficulty improvements for Season 2 Worlds.

We're reducing stress points in passage stages, adjusting combat difficulty in non-story sections, and providing easier puzzle solutions or additional hints. Based on these changes, we aim to sequentially introduce the World Replay feature.


Planned Convenience Improvements

1) Rift Auto-Climb

We're enhancing the existing manual climb every 10 levels to an automatic climb. Additionally, upon first clear, stamina or tickets will be returned, allowing Guardians to efficiently reach level 70 for sweeping.


2) Dispatch & Civil Affairs Events

We acknowledge the inconvenience due to differing SP sorting methods in Dispatch and Civil Affairs Event quests.

We're preparing to sort quests so items with higher SP appear at the top, arranged sequentially downward.


Guardian Base Camp

Many Guardians have reached the maximum Guardian Base Camp level, prompting us to explore more useful applications.

Currently, surplus points obtained from gameplay are exchanged for small amounts of gold, which seems insufficient. We're maintaining the periodic generation of Guardian Points for gold acquisition but plan to add Guardian Mastery Points. These points will slightly boost role-specific attributes or minor stats.

Detailed planning and stats may change during preparation, but we aim to ensure that Guardians can meaningfully utilize Level 300 Base Camp.

Lastly, we apologize to Guardians for experiencing inconvenience due to low-spec device optimization issues. We are prioritizing quick fixes and are committed to providing a smooth gameplay environment and stable service.

Thank you to all Guardians for your continued love and valuable feedback for Guardian Tales. We will strive to deliver even more enjoyable adventures in the future.

See you again in our next letter!

Thank you!


Reward Distribution

- Distribution Date: Monday, March 24 09:00 (UTC) - Sunday, March 30 14:59 (UTC)

- Rewards: Option Lock Stone x10

※ Rewards are provided once per account via mailbox.