News Post


Greetings Guardians,

We would like to inform you that some of the Awakening Stone packages sold in the Kamazon (in-game shop) will be discontinued and revamped.

The 'Awakening Stones Everyday! Package (30 Days)' and 'Grow Boost! Super Awakening Package' that were previously sold will be discontinued after the update on August 20.

Additionally, the revamped versions of the packages will be available for sale after the update on September 03.

Please check the details below regarding the revamped packages and refer to this information for your gameplay.


■ NEW Awakening Stone Package (30 Days)
Sales Period: After the update on September 03 ~ Until further notice.
Available for repeated purchase upon subscription expiration.
Price: No change.
The product name may change upon official release.

Daily Provided Items (Total for 30 days)

Provided immediately upon purchase

Legendary Awakening Stone x 2

Legendary Awakening Stone x 30

Awakening Dungeon Box(Lv.70) x 30

Awakening Dungeon Box(Lv.70) x 3

■ NEW Super Awakening Package
Sales Period: After the update on September 3 ~ Until further notice.
Available for purchase twice every two weeks per account.
Price: No change.
The product name may change upon official release.


Legendary Awakening Stone x 22

High-grade Dream Stone x 58

Mid-grade Dream Stone x 102

Low-grade Dream Stone x 154

High-grade Awakening Stone x 658

Mid-grade Awakening Stone x 1,155

Low-grade Awakening Stone x 1,723

※ Even after the sales end of the 'Awakening Stones Everyday! Package (30 Days)' on August 20, you will still receive the daily package rewards (Awakening Dungeon Box(Lv.70)) for the remaining period of your existing purchased package.
※ Even if you have purchased the previous version of the ‘Awakening Stones Everyday! Package (30 Days)’, you will be able to purchase the revamped version of the new package after the update on September 03, and you can receive the daily package rewards from both the previous and revamped versions. This means you will receive daily rewards from both packages simultaneously each day.

Guardian Tales will continue to do its best to ensure your enjoyable gaming experience.

Thank you.