News Post


Greetings Guardians!

It is time once again for your creativity and passion to shine. Join us in celebrating the 3rd Anniversary of Guardian Tales with a birthday-themed extravaganza!

Show off your artistic skills by bringing your favorite heroes to life and capturing heartwarming moments from your journey. Not only will you have the opportunity to showcase your artwork, but you'll also be in the running for exciting rewards!

Participation is simple – create an original artwork that embodies the 3rd Anniversary theme, add your signature touch, and submit it via our Zendesk Form. Remember to include your username, user ID, and server for eligibility!

Let your creativity flow and share your passion for Guardian Tales with the community!

We can't wait to see what you come up with and thank you greatly for three amazing years of Guardian Tales.

Event Schedule

  • Submission Period: 17 July - 28 July
  • Voting Phase: 1 August 2 August - 6 August
  • Winner Announcement: 9 August

How to Participate

  • Please submit your entry in a Zendesk submission here
  • The subject title has to be “3RD ANNIVERSARY
  • Include your User Number and Region (NA, EU, OC, or LA)
  • You can find your region by looking at the top right corner before you tap to start the game.
  • You can find your User Number in the game under Options (gear icon at the top right corner) > Account Settings. 
  • Please share with us your Artist Name if you have one.


  • The artwork must be created by the participant. Artwork generated by AI is not allowed. Please add your watermark or (user)name to the artwork.
  • Each participant may only submit one artwork to the contest.
  • Do not steal ideas or artwork from someone else. Plagiarism is strictly forbidden. Submissions must be original creations.
  • Fanart can be created using digital or traditional mediums. Both formats are acceptable.
  • Participants must reside within our service territory (NA/EU/LA/OC) to be eligible for the contest.
  • Artwork dimensions must be a minimum of 800px, and the file type must be either .JPG or .PNG.
  • Send your artwork through the provided Zendesk Form. Include your username, user ID, and the server you're playing on. Remember to add a watermark to your artwork.
  • If you would like to be credited, feel free to include your preferred social media handle along with your submission.

Please note that rules are subject to change with prior notice. Stay updated with any future announcements or notices regarding the contest.

Event Rewards



Grand Prize (1 Guardian) 5,000 Gems
Gold Prize (1 Guardian) 3,500 Gems

Runner-Ups (3 Guardians)

2,500 Gems
CM Picks (5 Guardians) 1,500 Gems