News Post


Greetings Guardians! We wanted to share the Q&A based on the first quarter's community survey performed in the KR servers. Please note that the contents and discussion points below may be rescheduled or updated with future announcements.


Q. What are the update plans for additional Side/Short Stories, Nightmare, and Hell modes?

R. With the 2023 Q2—Q4 ROADMAP announced previously, we communicated the main story update plans. It will be hard to update it this year, but the Side/Short Stories and Nightmare modes will be developed without interfering with the current update plans for the main story (world) development. As for Hell mode, we plan on implementing it with Guardian Tales Season 3 where we will aim to update it periodically along with the Nightmare modes. We will try to provide as much story content as possible.

Q. Is it possible to shorten the intervals between Main Story updates?

R. With the recent Roadmap, we informed you about the main story update plans. We plan on adding World 17 around June to August, and World 18 around November to December, which are shorter intervals compared to before. We will do our best to meet the expectations of our Guardians.

Q. Are there any plans to revise the difficulty of mini-games in the midst of the story progress? Would it be possible to allow mini-games to be cleared with Gems if you fail a certain number of times?

R. As for Star Pieces and mini-games provided within the story progress, there are no plans to revise the difficulty or allow instant clears using Gems. 
However, we do plan on mitigating the difficulty of puzzle elements that may hinder the progress of the chapters too much. Mitigations to puzzle difficulty will be announced in a future notice.

Q. Do you plan on releasing the male/female Knight being fixed as the playable character in the main stages and allowing other heroes to be playable?

R. Currently, we plan on keeping the Knight as the main character to lead the main world stories and we want to keep it in this direction. However, to enhance the fun you can feel from combat, we are currently developing a system to allow you to utilize other heroes in combat. However, we will stick to the Knight as the lead in the main stories.

Q. Is it possible to have Purple Coins and Star Pieces marked on the minimap separately upon obtaining them?

R. We are planning to add a new radar function that reacts to Star Pieces and Purples Coins nearby when revisiting already-cleared stages.
This is currently in R&D so we cannot lock down an implementation date at this time. We will announce more details once available via future notice.

Q. Are there plans to adjust the difficulty in World 10 and 11 stages?

With the recent Roadmap announced, we have revealed our plans to revise the overall difficulty. We are currently working on revising the difficulty of the main world chapters. We will explore more ways to allow more Guardians to enjoy the newly-added content together.


Q. What are the plans for more Rare Hero Ascensions?

R. There are plans to continue providing Rare Hero Ascensions. However, which hero to provide the update is still in internal discussion. We will notify you for future Rare Hero Ascensions to come.

Q. Do you plan on making balance improvements to non-mainstream heroes?

R. Hero balance is always in consistent research and analysis in the development team, and we have been applying hero balance patches through various updates. 
To talk about future plans, we are planning to boost the Warrior-class heroes in the near future. Also, heroes that are not utilized will receive second exclusive weapons and Ascensions to help with overall hero balance. Once the balance patches are confirmed, we will announce them via future notices.

Q. Are there plans to launch exclusive weapons for 2-star Rare heroes such as for Hekate?

R. We currently have plans to release Hekate's exclusive weapon in the first half of the year.
Afterward, Neva and Rie will get their exclusive weapons. We will notify you of the details in a future notice.

Q. What are the plans to improve upon Hero AI? 

R. Through previous updates, we have made improvements to MK.99 and Karina's AI. The dev team is looking into hero AI improvements as much as hero balances, and we are aware some heroes still need improvements. We will notify you later when future revisions come.


Q. Can more ways to obtain Legendary Limit Breaking Hammers be offered?

R. We will offer more Legendary Limit Breaking Hammers as in-game event rewards and cash shop packages. Also, we are looking into allowing Legendary Limit Breaking Hammers to be purchasable with in-game currency.

Q. Are there any plans to adjust the difficulty in leveling and growing the heroes?

R. As for hero growth difficulty revisions, we will need much analysis of data before and after the boost events as it will require much fine-tuning. Therefore, we cannot promise improvements in the short term, but it will be gradually improved.


Q. Can a 'Claim All' function to obtain Live Event rewards at once be added?

R. We will add the "Claim All" feature to Live Event rewards with the next Live Event.


Q. Are there any plans to adjust the difficulty of Season Achievement missions?

R. As we have announced in the previous 2022 4Q COMMUNITY Q&A, Season Achievements Season 3 will offer content more Guardians can challenge. First of all, we plan on adding a new mission with the difficulty adequate for those Guardians who have just cleared World 11 and unlocked Season Achievements to be able to complete. This will be updated when the Season Achievements Season 3 is added with April 20th maintenance (May 2nd expected for global). We hope for your interest and enthusiastic participation.

Q. Can limited-time costumes available as Season Achievement rewards be obtainable after a certain time? For example, having it exchangeable with remaining Season Achievement points and etc.

R. Seasonal Achievements were designed to compensate Guardians accordingly based on the extra effort put into clearing the difficult missions. If the rewards designated to Season Achievements become readily available, we believe this could defame the value of the honorary rewards and we do not currently have plans to sell limited costumes.


Q. The best team comp appears to be fixed in Arena. Are there any plans to improve upon this?

R. We do not plan on making revisions on heroes heavily used in Arena. We are well aware that team comp tends to get fixed based on specific elements and party combinations, and we are analyzing this from various angles. Also, to allow more heroes to be used, we are devising new maps to be added to Arena. An update on this will be announced in a future notice.

Q. Are there plans to stabilize the servers in Multiplayer content like Arena?

R. In the previous update, we performed revision work to fix desync occurring under certain situations. In addition to this, we are aware of the requests from our Guardians for server stability and optimization in Multiplayer content. We will continue to perform revision work to relieve the inconveniences as much as possible.

Q. Are there plans to implement a user report/block system into contents like Team Death Match Beta?

R. As we addressed in the last Q&A, a report function to prevent plays that may cause discomfort will be added to Team Death Match Beta. 


Q. Are there plans to add more Trials into Boss Rush?

R. Regarding Boss Rush, we will improve upon it with continuous data analysis. Also, we are planning to provide updates big and small periodically. The May 4th update (May 16 expected for global) will bring additional Trials and changes to the bonus score you receive from previous Trials.


Q. Can a 'Claim All' function to obtain Guild Raid rewards at once be added?

R. We believe that the Guild Raid Skip function added with the previous update (April 4 for global) should have relieved this question to some extent. We will monitor your feedback afterward to decide whether additional improvement is necessary.

Q. Are there any plans to improve Light-type Heroes as they are not used as much in Guild Raids?

R. The April 6 update (April 18 expected for global) released the new H.E.R.O.S. KAI which we believe will be of great use for Guild Raids. We will continue to perform Light-type hero balance patches sequentially to encourage you to use them more in Guild Raids.

Q. Are there plans to improve on Guild Raid bosses (avoiding bosses like Shadow Beast)?

R. The May 4th update (May 16 expected for global) will bring revisions on Guild Raid boss attack patterns.

Q. Can the retry count for Guild Raids be changed from once a day to once per raid boss?

R. We plan on changing the daily retry count to allow Guardians to challenge Guild Raid bosses more freely. Sometime in May (maybe June for global), we will plan on increasing the daily retry count from 1 to 3.

Q. Can a system to skip lower levels of guild raid rounds be added? (Lv.80 and etc.)

R. We plan on continuously analyzing the data related to the recently added Guild Raid Skip function. If we decide additional revisions are necessary after data analysis, we will make further adjustments to allow more Guardians to enjoy Guild Raids without the stress arising from lower-level raid bosses.


Q. Can more emojis be added to the Guild lobby?

R. Besides the Guild lobby mentioned, we plan on allowing emojis to be used in different places as well. If we feel it's a place where many Guardians can utilize them, we will allow emojis to be used additionally.

Q. Will it be possible to improve the Recommended Guild list such as adding guild search filters based on Guild Ranking, Guild Member count, and so on? Guilds that are inactive or are too small in size should not be recommended as often.

R. Recommended Guild list is aimed to be updated sometime in May (maybe June for global) along with guild search filter setting and improved guild recommendations.

Q. Can more Evolution Stones be requested and supported among guild members?

R. This is aimed to be updated in May (maybe June for Global) along with the guild search filter setting and improved guild recommendations.


Q. Can the requirement to play at least once per day to be able to use Sweep in Expedition be revised?

Q. The Unexplored Regions in Expedition are not too enjoyable. Are there any plans to revise these bonus stages?

Q. Obtaining Epic grade Relics is difficult and tiresome. Can this be improved?

R. Before updating Expedition Area 4, we are planning to improve difficulty in Areas 1, 2, 3 in the first half of the year.
We will improve stage requirements and difficulty so that more Guardians can explore the Expedition areas together.


Q. Are there plans to open up more areas on the Farm?
Q. Can a pet growth system be added to the Farm?

R. As announced in the previous Roadmap, new 'Ranch' content is being prepared to be added to Farm. The restricted areas in Farm will be expanded in future updates. Also, as you fill in your Ranch, you will meet new pets which you will be able to raise. We hope you will like it.

Q. Are there plans to add more uses for Golden Petals?

R. Rather than expanding the use of Golden Petals, we plan on increasing the frequency of items that appear in the shop that can be purchased with Golden Petals. Once this is updated, we will announce it in a future notice.

Q. Can the probability of fishing up objects other than Fish be improved?

R. The probability of fishing up a "dud" will decrease from 10% to 5% through the April 20 (Thu) updates.


Q. Can a red dot notification be added to notify us if there are remaining Event Rift or World Exploration counts?

R. We are aiming to make updates on this by June so that red dot notifications are displayed when there are remaining Event Rift or World Exploration counts.


Q. Are there plans to revise the Friends system?

Q. Can a support system to rent your friends' heroes be added?

Q. Can the friend invitation notice be added to the Co-op screen as well?

R. Details about the Friends system revision were announced through the Q2-Q4 roadmap, in the R&D section, on April 5 (Thu).
With this, the Friends system will now take the form of mutual acceptance.
Also, improvements will be made to facilitate friend requests, co-op games, and guild invites.


Q. Can a market square system where different players can come together and commune be added (other than the Guild lobby)?

R. We are planning to improve the lobby and add a space where players can gather for Guardian Tales Season 3. These changes will be reviewed and discussed in various ways. Details will be announced through an update notice at a later date.


Q. Can more efficient Shop packages be added on special dates like anniversaries?
We have recently released a 1000-day anniversary jumping package with the April 6 update (April 18 for Global).

R. Also, we are planning to release high-efficiency packages for the upcoming anniversaries.

Q. Can an On/Off function to apply the equipped costumes to the heroes be added to the party formation screen?

R. We don't have any plans regarding this, as it's difficult to clearly identify the hero when equipping a costume on them.

Q. Can the number of Evolution Stones of unobtained heroes be marked in the Evolution Dungeon screen?

R. We are aiming to make updates on this in June so that you can see the number of Evolution Stones of unobtained heroes in the Evolution Dungeon.

Q. Are there any plans to change the introductory video when entering the game?

R. The intro video will change in Guardian Tales Season 3. We hope you're looking forward to it!