News Post


Greetings Guardians,

As we have announced previously, we apologize for the service disruption that occurred due to a fire incident in the data center in South Korea.

Now that the game is back in service, and with our hearts full we would like to send you the following compensation for the deep understanding and patience you have shown.


[Service Downtime Compensation]

  • Claimable Period: October 16—October 22, 2022 14:59 UTC
  • Compensation:
    • 3,000 Gems,
    • 500 Stamina (200 + 300 separately),
    • 55 Battle Medals,
    • 4 Option Change Stones,
    • 3 Lv.70 Awakening Dungeon Boxes.



* Please note all items can be claimed once per account during the claimable period. Please check your in-game mailbox for the rewards.

* Any unclaimed items in your in-game mailbox will be deleted if unclaimed within the claimable period.

* As for Stamina distribution, we have separated it into 2 mails for your convenience.



We want to once again apologize for the service disruption that occurred, and thank you for your support.