News Post


1. Hero and Equipment
New Heroes and Equipment
- New Hero 'Incarcerated Scholar Vinette' is added.
 ㄴ Incarcerated Scholar Vinette's voice is added. (cv. Kim Yool)
 ㄴ 5 stars maximum awakening party effect: [Party] Weapon Skill Regen Speed +30% / Skill Damage +30%

- Incarcerated Scholar Vinette's Exclusive Weapon ''Nanoparticle Accelerator" ★★★★★ is added.
- New Unique Rifle 'Nano Rifle' ★★★ is added.

Voice Addition and Improvement
- 'Morrian's English voice is added.
- Miss Chrom's Japanese voice is added.
※ Only reflected when voice settings are selected in each language.

Illustration style
- A changeable 'Miss Chrom' illustration is added.

Error Corrections and Improvements
- The problem with the equipment costume effect displaying abnormally in specific situations has been resolved.

2. Summon and Pick-up Event
Hero Pick-up Event
ㄴ Event time: 2023-09-19 after maintenance ~ 2023-10-17 before maintenance 
ㄴ Pick-up Hero 1: Incarcerated Scholar Vinette

ㄴ Event time: 2023-09-19 after maintenance ~ 2023-10-03 before maintenance 05:00:00 UTC* 
ㄴ Pick-up Hero 2: Overlord of the East Morrian
ㄴ Pick-up Hero 3: Contractee Crosselle
ㄴ Pick-up Hero 4: Demon Queen Lilith
ㄴ Pick-up Hero 5: Mecha Warrior Oghma

*Server time - 24-hour format:

- Asia: 2023-10-03 13:00:00 UTC+8
- North America: 2023-10-02 21:00:00 PST
- Europe: 2023-10-03 05:00:00 UTC
- Latin America: 2023-10-03 02:00:00 BRT
- Oceania: 2023-10-03 2023-10-03 AET

Equipment Pick-up Event
ㄴ Event time: 2023-09-19 after maintenance ~ 2023-10-17 before maintenance
ㄴ Pick-up Equipment 1: Nanoparticle Accelerator

ㄴ Event time: 2023-09-19 after maintenance ~ 2023-10-03 before maintenance 05:00:00 UTC* 
ㄴ Pick-up Equipment 2: Alraune
ㄴ Pick-up Equipment 3: Permission Denied
ㄴ Pick-up Equipment 4: Queen's Grace
ㄴ Pick-up Equipment 5: Eckesachs Mode.R
ㄴ Pick-up Equipment 6: Eckesachs

3. Boost Event
The Boost Event allows you to earn double rewards without limitations throughout the event period for specific content.
  ㄴ In this update, the Boost event is applied to Resource/Evolution Stone Dungeon.
  ㄴ Event time: 2023-09-19 after maintenance ~ 2023-10-03 before maintenance

4. Roadmap Event
- Roadmap event "Grad School wants YOU"
  ㄴ Event time: 2023-09-19 after maintenance ~ 2023-10-03 before maintenance 05:00:00 UTC* 
  ㄴ Reward Receivable Time: 2023-10-10 04:59:59 UTC*

*Server time - 24-hour format:

- Asia: 2023-10-10 12:59:59 UTC+8
- North America: 2023-10-09 20:59:59 PST
- Europe: 2023-10-10 04:59:59 UTC
- Latin America: 2023-10-10 01:59:59 BRT
- Oceania: 2023-10-10 14:59:59 AET

5. Guild Raid
Guild Raid "Space Odyssey"
  ㄴSchedule: 2023-09-21 00:00:00 ~ 2023-09-27 15:59:59 UTC*
  ㄴBoss list: Viper Clan Leader (Dark), Invader Commander (Basic), Lava Slime King (Fire), Furious Desert Bull Worm (Earth)

*Server time (24-hour format):

Asia: 2023-09-27 23:59:59 UTC+8
North America: 2023-09-27 07:59:59 PST
Europe: 2023-09-27 15:59:59 UTC
Latin America: 2023-09-27 12:59:59 BRT
Oceania: 2023-09-28 01:59:59 AET

6. Guild Meteor Excavation
- New season of Meteor Excavation has started.
- Season time: 2023-09-28 00:00:00 ~ 2023-10-04 15:59:59 UTC*

*Server time (24-hour format):

Asia: 2023-10-04 23:59:59 UTC+8
North America: 2023-10-04 07:59:59 PST
Europe: 2023-10-04 15:59:59 UTC
Latin America: 2023-10-04 12:59:59 BRT
Oceania: 2023-10-05 01:59:59 AET

7. Co-op Mode
Co-op mode change
- CO-OP mode has been changed, the new season of CO-OP Defense has started.
- Season time: 2023-09-25 16:00:00 ~ 2023-10-01 15:59:59 UTC*

*Server time (24-hour format):

Asia: 2023-10-01 23:59:59 UTC+8
North America: 2023-10-01 07:59:59 PST
Europe: 2023-10-01 15:59:59 UTC
Latin America: 2023-10-01 12:59:59 BRT
Oceania: 2023-10-02 01:59:59 AET

- The current 23 types of loot have been restored.
- The current 3 types of loot have been excluded.
  ㄴ [Mid] Green's Helmet
  ㄴ [High] Green's Helmet(Autographed)
  ㄴ [Special] Omega Green’s Helmet
- 16 types of existing cursed loot have been restored.

8. Friend system Improvements
- The friend system has been improved to include mutual acceptance.
※ When updating the friend reorganization, the list of existing friends will be transferred as follows:
-  Users who are mutually registering as friends: You will be automatically registered as friends after the friend reorganization update.
-  Users who have only registered me as a friend: Friend requests will be sent to the other user after the friend reorganization update.
  ㄴ If the other user has reached the maximum number of friend requests they can receive, requests from users who have previously registered as friends will be prioritized, and requests exceeding the maximum limit will not be sent.
  ㄴ The maximum number of friend requests per user is set to 30.

9. New Collection
- A new collection, "Demon World’s Tech is World-Class" is added.
- A new collection, "Legendary Beings" is added.

10. Guardian Pass
- 2023 Guardian Pass Season10
  ㄴ Season time: 2023-09-19 after maintenance - 2023-10-16 15:59:59 UTC*
  ㄴ Main reward: Loraine' Exclusive Weapon "Emma" ★★★★

*Server time (24-hour format):

Asia: 2023-10-16 23:59:59 UTC+8
North America: 2023-10-16 07:59:59 PST
Europe: 2023-10-16 15:59:59 UTC
Latin America: 2023-10-16 12:59:59 BRT
Oceania: 2023-10-17 01:59:59 AET

11. Shop - Card
- 1 card that can be purchased with gold is added.
 ㄴ Knight Congratulating Princess's Card

※ This card can be purchased for 60,000 gold in the shop - equipment.
※ If you have already acquired the card, you cannot purchase it again.

12. Shop - Costume
Hero costume
  ㄴ Challenger Morrian
  ㄴ Druid Queen Rue
  ㄴ Dragon Queen Lilith
  ㄴ Fierce Commander Erina
  ㄴ Thousand Hand Aisha
  ㄴ Winter Shaman Karina
  ㄴ Frost Witch Bianca
  ㄴ Ice Golem Noxia
  ㄴ Rockstar Claude
  ㄴ Drifter Crosselle
  ㄴ Dirt Bike Racer Mk.2
  ㄴ Mk.99-Strider
  ㄴ Oghma Mk-Raiden
  ㄴ Royal Knight
  ㄴ Rose Knight
  ㄴ Space Sheriff Eugene

Equipment costume
  ㄴ White Tiger Shield
  ㄴ Druid's Fury
  ㄴ Stubby Snake Spear
  ㄴ G1 Rifle
  ㄴ Drill Claw
  ㄴ Studded Half Gloves
  ㄴ Shooting Star Bow
  ㄴ Tuna Two-handed Sword

13. Shop - Package
1. Limited time package
- Sale period: 2023-09-19 after maintenance ~ 2023-10-03 before maintenance 05:00:00 UTC* 

1) Gem Package #1 (3 times per account)
- Paid Gem x3,000
[Slot 1]
  ㄴ EXP x700,000
  ㄴ Gold x500,000
  ㄴ Evolution Stone x50
  ㄴ Legendary Awakening Stone x25

2) Gem Package #2 (2 times per account)
- Paid Gem x7,000
[Slot 1]
  ㄴ Legend Limit Breaking Hammer x1
  ㄴ Hero Crystal x100
  ㄴ Crafting Accelerator x50
  ㄴ Mirror Shard x3,000
  ㄴ Arcane Stone x500

3) Limited Time Summon Package (4 times per account)
- Paid Gem x2,700, Summon Controller x35

4) Limited time stamina package (5 times per account)
- Stamina x1,000

2. Hero Growth Package
1) Unique Hero Growth Package (Incarcerated Scholar Vinette) (2 times per account)
 - Evolution Stone x400, Legendary Awakening Stone x20, Hero Crystal x100, Option Change Stone x10, Option Lock Stone x20

14. Other Error Corrections and Improvements

  • In World 12-4, we fixed the issue where the effects of certain party member heroes remained invisible even when they were supposed to be rendered invisible during the 'Adultery Case' quest.
  • In World 17, we fixed the issue of seeing the gravity gun's direction vertically when using it as Marina.
  • In World 17, we improved the laser monster's attack range to match the visual effect.
  • In World 17, we fixed the issue of the bomb not exploding when it was reset after being absorbed by the gravity gun on a specific stage.
  • In World 17, we fixed the issue of the effect remaining when using a gravity gun with a character equipped with an effective weapon.
  • In World 17-1, we fixed the issue where the remaining icon would appear if a lighted sign was obtained from the Demon World Conference Hall and then destroyed.
  • In World 17-2, we fixed the issue of objects not being absorbed by the gravity gun when the transparent switch and objects overlapped the back side of the conference hall.
  • In World 17-3, we fixed the issue where a bomb icon would remain after absorbing a bomb with a Graviton Cannon during the Demon World Battlefield Section 10 cannon event.
  • In World 17-3, we fixed the issue of lifting a bomb during the production after the defeat of the battlefield event in Demon World Battlefield.
  • In World 17-3, we fixed the issue of the absorbed object's speech bubble being exposed after the defeat screen ends when absorbing a bomb before defeat in the Demon World Battlefield event.
  • In World 17-4, we fixed the issue that allowed movement during the production of certain puzzles in Passage to Saul using gravity guns.
  • In World 17-7, we fixed the issue of breaking through the forced trigger zone in the last cannon area outside Saul using a gravity gun.
  • In World 17-7, we fixed the issue of the Vinette gun spines not being exposed when re-entering after leaving the stage.
  • In World 17-9, in Isolated Battlefield Section 25, we fixed the issue where the event did not proceed when the central gate area was lifted with the mouse bomb during progress.
  • In World 17-13, we fixed the issue of data processing errors when attempting to jump just before the smoking hot python is detected.
  • In World 17-13, we fixed the issue of Reynai, Friend Spine temporarily stopping when jumping to certain areas of the smoking hot python.
  • In World 17, we fixed the issue of Knight and Vinette spines stopping during the jump motion.
  • In World 17-3 and 17-9, we fixed typos in specific sub-event NPC dialogue text.
  • In the "Folktale" side story, we fixed the issue where the NPC location was not reset intermittently after certain steps during the Cursed Village Sadako vs. Kayako quest in Stage 4.
  • We fixed the issue where the timing of the sound output did not match a certain production in the short story Lord of Summer.
  • We fixed the issue of a small screen being exposed between fade-out productions when re-challenging a coco swim event in the short story Lord of Summer.