News Post


Greetings Guardians!

We are very impressed with all of the unique designs sent in for Hero Costumes or Equipment Costumes. We narrowed hundreds of submissions down to 20. Now it is YOUR turn to vote the ordering of the Top 10 for NA & OC regions and for the Top 10 of EU and LA regions. Your vote will determine which prizes they will receive! Let's see who wins big and gains global recognition!

This global costume design contest is held in all serviced regions of Guardian Tales and divided largely into 4 divisions: Korea, Southeast Asia, North America/Oceania, and Europe/Latin America.

At least 1 Hero Costume or Equipment Costume from each division among the winning entry will be created in-game at a later date! Disclaimer: The ordering voted on by the community will not affect which entry will be selected to be created in-game.

Event Schedule

  • Submission Period: May 4—May 17 (13 days)

  • Vote for Top 10: May 20—May 23 at 11:59 PM PDT / May 24 06:59 UTC (4 days)

  • Winners Announcement: May 27 

Vote Now

  • You will be voting twice. You will choose one winner from the NA & OC category and one winner from the EU & LA category.

  • Global players, please vote here for NA & OC category: [HERE]

  • Global players, please vote here for the EU & LA category: [HERE]

  • Asia players, please vote here for the Asia categories: [HERE]

Event Rewards (Total 10) - North America & Oceania

  • Grand Prize (1 Guardian)
    • 20,000 Gems + 1,000 Stamina
  • Grand Prize (1 Guardian)
    • 15,000 Gems + 750 Stamina
  • Silver Prize (3 Guardians)
    • 10,000 Gems  + 500 Stamina
  • Bronze Prize (5 Guardians)
    • 5,000 Gems  + 250 Stamina

Event Rewards (Total 10) - Europe & Latin America

  • Grand Prize (1 Guardian)
    • 20,000 Gems + 1,000 Stamina
  • Grand Prize (1 Guardian)
    • 15,000 Gems + 750 Stamina
  • Silver Prize (3 Guardians)
    • 10,000 Gems  + 500 Stamina
  • Bronze Prize (5 Guardians)
    • 5,000 Gems  + 250 Stamina

* Guardian Tales serviced by Kakao Games EU B.V. and Kakao Games USA Inc. operates in North America, Oceania, Europe, and Latin America and we have divided the contest into two divisions for fairness and to provide more opportunity from each region to show their creative talents. 

* These rewards are chosen from the submissions of both the Hero Costume and Equipment Costume to a grand total of 10 winners. They are not separately given for each costume so you do not have to create both costume designs.

* Once again these are the event rewards for the Global region only. Korea and Southeast Asia's costume design contest submissions need to be made in their separate respective channels.

Full Event Rules

  • Need a reminder on the rules? Check out the contest rules [HERE]


May the odds be ever in your favor!

The Guardian Tales Team